Visit Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NEFIN).

National Level Training-Workshop on Climate Change, Biodiversity & IPs Rights Concluded

National Level Training-Workshop on Climate Change, Biodiversity & IPs Rights Concluded

International News
Image by jplenio from Pixabay
Step Up Climate Change Adaptation or Face Serious Human and Economic Damage – UN Report

As temperatures rise and climate change impacts intensify, nations must urgently step up action to adapt to...

Men collect resin from a damar tree (Shorea Javanica) in Pahmongan village, Pesisir Barat regency, Lampung province, Indonesia. CIFOR/Ulet Ifansasti
Results-Based Payments in Indonesia: A Strategy to Move REDD+ Forward?

Data demonstrate a reduction in forest-related emissions.

Integration Process of SES and SESA

Indigenous communities have long, multi-generational histories of interaction with the environment that inc...

Indigenous Communities have Negotiation with UN on Safeguard

Indigenous communities have long, multi-generational histories of interaction with the environment that inc...

UN-REDD at the Oslo REDD Exchange

The Oslo REDD Exchange allowed for a number of interesting, relevant and thought-provoking presentations, i...

SBSTA Working Group on REDD+

International Indigenous Peoples’ Forum on Climate Change

Global Climate Action Needs Trusted Finance Data

An agreed system for measuring funding of green projects in poorer nations will be vital to achieving actio...

100 Women Delegates Meet at International Women’s Earth and Climate Summit

The summit brought together 100 woman delegates from all the world–grassroots activists, business leaders, ...

Bangladhesh Holds National Consultation of IPs on REDD+

The objectives of the consultation were to share the REDD+ Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP) with the I...

Photo by Patrick Hendry
Emissions Gap Report 2020: 1.5°C Goal Requires Green Recovery, Rapid Action

Although COVID-19 caused a brief emissions dip, the UNEP report predicts that the long-term impact on clima...

38th Session of the SBSTA

International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change Statement (IIPFCC) at the UNFCCC 38th Session of t...

बंगलादेश आदिवासीहरुको रेडप्लसमा राष्ट्रिय परामर्श

ढाका, बंगलादेश––यहि कार्तिक ६ र ७ मा बंगलादेशको ढाकामा रेडसप्लस तयारी सम्बन्धि आदिवासीहरुको एक राष्टियस्तरक...