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लोमान्थाङको क्ग्याम्बा प्रणालीद्वारा लोबा जातिको सिंचाइ अभ्यास सञ्चालन

बुधवार, फेब्रुअरी 5th, 2020

This case study unravels the example of how a customary institution
is embedded in the social and physical uniqueness of a community
of indigenous peoples. It demonstrates the value of recognizing and
safeguarding the customary institutions and knowledge of indigenous
peoples. This case study presents the facts—how the knowledge system
and customary institutions of indigenous peoples are value-driven and
evidence-based, and how these are instrumental in maintaining social order
and environmental sustainability, and combating climate change through
adaptation measures. This case study is based on an anthropological field
work conducted by the author in 2004, 2009 and 2019