जीविकोपार्जन र उद्यमशीलताको विकास
हामीले सन् २००९ सालदेखि नमुना क्षेत्रमा आदिवासी जनजातिहरुको जिविकोपार्जन सम्वन्धी कार्यक्रमलाई टेवा पुरयाउँदै आईरहेका छौं ।
We have been supporting livelihood of Indigenous Peoples in the demonstration area since 2009. Traditional livelihood program is linked with forest conservation and promotion of traditional skills, knowledge and practices of Indigenous Peoples. This initiative aims to promote and protect life ways of Indigenous Peoples by ensuring their rights over forest, land, territories and resources. This initiative also supports Indigenous Peoples startups that promotes and encourages IPs for economic empowerment and self-reliance.
With the aim of supporting livelihoods program among the Indigenous Peoples of the demonstration area.