Visit Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NEFIN).

वकालत र क्षमता अभिबृद्धि

Advocacy for recognition, respect and protection of Indigenous Peoples' rights

Our advocacy is for the recognition, respect and protection of Indigenous Peoples’ rights. We engage with government agencies, policy makers and other stakeholders at communities and in national and international forums. We bring the voices of peoples at the ground to the policy making with wide ranges of capacities built.

Activities on Advocacy and Capacity Building
NORAD’s Guests in the Demonstration Area

During the interaction programme, villagers raised their queries on REDD and about NORAD’s working areas. MORE

Multi-Stakeholder Forum Meeting

“Multi-stakeholder Forum Meeting” on 31 Dec. 2010 at Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation.

World Environment Day 2011 Celebrated in the Demonstration Area of NEFIN

“Traditional Practices and Customary Governing System of Indigenous Peoples’ for Forest Conservation and Su...

REDD+SES Nepal Indicators Development Workshop

The Government of Nepal is engaged fully in the REDD+ SES initiative including in the development of the st...

Various Level of Interaction Programs on REDD+ Social & Environmental Standards (SES) with Multi

The use of the REDD+ SES in Nepal is facilitated by the REDD Cell of the Ministry of Forest and Soil Conser...

Country Exchange Visit 2012

The country exchange visit focused on sharing and learning the experiences of Community Forestry in Nepal a...

Awareness Raising and Capacity Building at Communities

NEFIN Climate Change Partnership Program in partnership with NEFIN DCC Dhankuta conducted a two-days traini...